Congratulations on your new baby!

You probably have lots of questions about taking care of your baby—from breastfeeding to safe sleep… and much more! Find out how you and your partner can work together to care for your baby and keep your baby healthy and safe.


Car Seat Safety

Basic Guidelines

Every state requires that infants and children ride buckled up. Using a car safety seat correctly can help prevent injuries to your infant.

A baby needs a safe car seat to go home from the hospital. Although you may think it is safer to hold your baby in your arms, IT IS NOT. An infant car seat should state that it complies with the Federal Vehicle Safety Standard 213.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children ride in the rear-facing child safety seats for at least 2 years. New research shows toddlers are more than 5 times safer riding rear-facing in a convertible car safety seat until they reach the maximum height and weight recommendations for that particular model.

The “Best” car safety seat is one that fits your newborn and can be set up the right way for your car. You must use it EVERY time you put your baby in the car. It does not matter if it is the most expensive seat – if it is not installed properly, it may not protect your baby.

Infant-only seats may come with more than one harness slot. They have room for your baby to grow. In the rear-facing position, the harness should be in the slots at or below your baby’s shoulders. Check the car safety seat manufacturer’s instructions to be sure.

Safe Sleep

American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on creating a safe sleep environment include:

Making your home safe for baby

Your baby is on the way, and there is a lot to think about. Besides making sure that you have baby furniture and clothing for your new son or daughter, you’ll want to check that your home is safe. These tips can help you cover all the safety bases:


Breastfeeding My Baby

You should get all the facts about why breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. The benefits a baby receives from human milk will last his or her whole life.

For Baby:

For Mother:


When it comes to feeding and nourishing your baby, you may decide formula-feeding is the best option for you and your little one.

Signs Your Baby is Getting Enough to Eat

If you feel your baby is not getting enough milk, contact your healthcare provider or lactation consultant Your baby may have a sleepy week or two and you may have a hard time keeping him interested in feeding. If he is very sleepy, try undressing him down to his diaper. The skin-to-skin contact may help keep him awake. You may need to rub the bottoms of his feet or back to keep him awake. You can also try to unwrap him, so he is not so cozy and warm, which can make him sleepy. Talk to your baby while you are nursing. This may also help keep him interested in finishing the feeding. Take cues from your baby; he will let you know what he needs.


Diaper Rash

What does Diaper Rash look like? If your child’s diaper area looks irritated and red, chances are its diaper rash.

Diaper Rash can be caused by the following:

You should take your child to a doctor if the rash looks like it might be infected. Look for blisters, pus-filled pimples, oozing yellow patches or open sores. You should be able to clear the rash in three or four days. Most parents have to deal with diaper rash at some point.

How to treat diaper rash:


What kind of thermometer should I use?

If you think your baby has a fever, it’s important to know exactly what his temperature is, so you’ll need a good digital thermometer.

Taking your baby’s temperature rectally will give you the most accurate result, and the best tools for this are rectal thermometers, which are designed specifically for this purpose. Look for one with a flexible tip and a wide handle that won’t let you insert the thermometer more than an inch. Inserting it farther can perforate your child’s rectum.

More expensive options include temporal artery thermometers, which use an infrared scanner to measure a baby’s temperature with a simple swipe across the forehead, and tympanic (ear) thermometers, which can be trickier to use.

Whichever method you choose, don’t take your child’s temperature right after a bath, when his body temperature is likely to be temporarily elevated. Wait at least 20 minutes after bath time for an accurate reading. The same is true if your baby’s been swaddled.




Besides bathing and diapering, other baby care includes brushing teeth and gums and trimming nails


Dental Hygiene starts before a baby’s first teeth grow. To help prevent plaque buildup, wipe down the infant’s gums with a gauze-wrapped finger after feedings to remove any food residue. This can be done until the first few teeth come in. Once the baby’s mouth fills with teeth, use a baby-sized toothbrush and a small bit of toothpaste.


La Leche League International was formed in 1956, in Franklin Park, IL by a group of seven mothers who wanted to provide breastfeeding help and support to interested women. Two mothers, Mary White and Marian Tompson, were breastfeeding their children at a church picnic and many other women expressed interest, or told them how they had wanted to breastfeed but failed.
As LLLI has grown into an international organization, the primary focus has remained on the personal one-to-one sharing of information and encouragement that provides a new parent with the confidence they need to breastfeed their baby.
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